The directive includes the following requirements

  • Implementation of channels and protocols for reporting and for subsequent actions
  • Facility for reporting in writing and orally
  • Protection of the identity of the whistleblower and third parties referred to in the report
  • Acknowledgement of receipt to the whistleblower within seven days
  • Feedback to the whistleblower within three months
  • Documentation of all incoming reports
  • Measures to prevent any form of reprisal (such as intimidation, damage to reputation or summary dismissal) against the whistleblower

Compliance organisation

  • KRACHT has established a system to educate employees about potential compliance risks and to ensure compliance requirements are met at the global and local level (Code of Conduct)
  • This function has been established to regularly review business processes for compliance with our principles, to identify and appropriately manage compliance risks, and to verify identified violations and remedy them on a sustained basis
  • The KRACHT Compliance Officer is responsible for the KRACHT Compliance System and is obliged to maintain strict confidentiality

Reporting a concern

KRACHT encourages anyone to report violations of applicable law, our values, the Code of Conduct and related policies and principles, including criminal conduct, unfair business practices, and human rights and environmental violations, to KRACHT or within our supply chains through the KRACHT Compliance Officer (compliance@kracht.eu), the online platform SpeakUp (https://atlascopco.speakup.report/de-DE/speakup/home), our Works Council, our plant confidants or the „blue mail boxes“ – anonymously if desired.

The reporting channels stated above are open to employees, customers, suppliers and other third parties.

KRACHT aims to create an environment where everyone can confidently express their concerns without having to worry about facing a negative reaction. In accordance with applicable law, we protect the identity of those who report concerns and do not tolerate retaliation against those who raise concerns in good faith.

KRACHT carries out investigations with utmost confidentiality and a strong commitment to fairness.